It's December, and December means HOLIDAY

December 23, 2012

Thanks God it's December. I feel so tired with everything in Insan Cendekia and I need a flash relax time with my family and my own world (laptop ft. handphone -,-). I haven't update my comic, my novel, and my another collection. Moreover, I haven't check that everything mine is still okay even it has been three months (or four?) since I left it here.
For this semester holiday, I've arranged some plans to spend my time, and one of them is "my family and I are going to Jogja". Yeah, that's not a big plan, but still that's enough to amuse me and relax me from dICtator (parah --"). Oh ya, talking about Jogja, my SHS friends are also going to there, most of them. I guess new year at Jogja will be so crowd. Better to cancel if you have a plan to spend your new year in Jogja, especially near from malioboro.
Oh ya, suddenly I remember, 2013 is getting closer.. Hiks.. And 2012 will leave me soon. Forgive me ya, if sometimes I hurt you (with my entry), and keep our moments in 2012 :D

Written by Anna Kumala

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